The YouthQuest Foundation’s 3D ThinkLink Initiative is growing, and so is the need for resources to support this important STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education experience for at-risk youth.
Cadet Nancy Tapia-Loza was in the first 3D printing class at Freestate ChalleNGe Academy.
We are serving twice as many students this fall as we did in the pilot project at Freestate ChalleNGe Academy in the spring. 3D printing classes are being conducted at Maryland’s Freestate and the newly opened Capital Guardian ChalleNGe Academy, which serves the District of Columbia. And that’s just the beginning. We have invited four more National Guard Youth ChalleNGe programs in the mid-Atlantic region to start classes at their Academies early next year.
This means hundreds of high school dropouts who decide to turn their lives around will have the opportunity to learn about the revolutionary technology of additive manufacturing. Smaller groups at each Academy will be chosen for 25 hours of advanced training as members of 3D ThinkLink Teams. Starting next summer, select students from those teams will be invited to YouthQuest’s headquarters in Chantilly, Va., for 40 hours of immersion training in our 3D ThinkLink Fabrication Laboratory.
With your support, we are opening students’ eyes to a world of possibilities in STEM they might otherwise have never seen. Every donation, large or small, helps us assemble the pieces we need to build on the early success of our 3D ThinkLink Initiative. For example:
$30 provides a lab tool set for one student.
$100 provides one hard drive and battery for a recycled laptop computer.
$450 provides one tablet computer for a 3D ThinkLink Team graduate.
$1,600 provides one Cube 3D printer and materials.
$2,500 provides one week of 3D ThinkLink Lab immersion training, including lodging and meals, for one student.
By making the connection between technology and creativity, the 3D ThinkLink Initiative gives at-risk teens an advantage as they enter a workforce where STEM skills are in high demand. Our classes prepare students to successfully compete for a growing array of technology-related jobs that don’t require a college degree or to continue their education in one of the STEM disciplines. In addition, the program builds self-confidence and problem-solving skills that help graduates achieve their goals no matter what career path they choose.
The YouthQuest Foundation has launched a special channel on YouTube to support teachers in our 3D printing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education project.
The channel is a collection of instructional videos made by YouthQuest Training Director Tom Meeks for the teachers in the 3D printing classes we are sponsoring at the Capital Guardian and Freestate ChalleNGe Academies this fall.
As the project expands to other states next year, this video supplement to the curriculum will become even more important for keeping teachers on the same track, even if they’re hundreds of miles apart.
We’ve seen how our 3D printing classes help show at-risk teens how they can build a better future for themselves through creative thinking, teamwork and perseverance. We believe that is a valuable lesson for anyone. That’s why we’re making all YouthQuest Academy Channel videos available to the public, so teachers and students anywhere can start to explore the new world possibilities in 3D printing.
A couple of introductory videos are posted now and many more will be added soon. Stay tuned!
Tom Meeks teaches YouthQuest’s first 3D printing class at Freestate ChalleNGe Academy
The YouthQuest Foundation’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education initiative is growing to include more students and new tools in 3D printing classes.
We launched the project early this year at Maryland’s Freestate ChalleNGe Academy, an alternative education program for at-risk youth that is run by the National Guard at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Now we are expanding to the newly opened Capital Guardian ChalleNGe Academy, which serves young people from the District of Columbia at the Oak Hill Campus in Laurel, Md.
Next year, we plan to bring the program to students in several other states.
YouthQuest and the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program share the goal of giving high school dropouts a second chance to become productive citizens through education, self-disciple and mentoring. The 3D printing project is a unique supplement to the academy Cadets’ basic GED-preparation coursework. The class teaches at-risk teenagers valuable life lessons, along with vocational skills.
Learning the basics of 3D printing, also known as “additive manufacturing,” can give these students an advantage if they choose to pursue careers in related fields. But even more important, says YouthQuest’s Training Director Tom Meeks, is how the class teaches them to think creatively and solve problems through teamwork, experimentation and iterative improvement.
The Cadets in the Freestate and Capital Guardian programs will use Moment of Inspiration modeling software contributed by Triple Squid Software Design and Cube printers provided by 3D Systems, our Additive Manufacturing Strategic Partner. This hardware and software was a winning combination in our pilot project at Freestate.
In addition, we are introducing Cubify Sculpt, a just-released application from 3D Systems that allows users to easily modify objects as if they were made of “virtual clay” to produce more natural looking shapes. The two software programs complement each other and open up new possibilities for students and teachers.
“Moment of Inspiration will create the objects and then we’ll bring those objects into Cubify Sculpt to embellish them and give them more organic feel,” says Tom. “I think those artistic Cadets are really going to be excited about that possibility.”
“I’m really looking forward to the fact that we’re expanding to two ChalleNGe programs and then in the next step expanding to multiple ChalleNGe programs around the country,” he adds.
Tom did an outstanding job teaching the first 3D printing class at Freestate Academy, but he can’t be in two places at once. So we are producing a series of instructional videos for the teachers he’ll be working with at the academies. The videos will be available for free online so any teacher in the world can learn how to use 3D printing to develop students’ creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
Tom is confident that teachers will be excited about 3D printing, students will be “highly motivated” and YouthQuest will be “very pleased with the outcome in the lives of these Cadets.”
If you would like to make a contribution to help cover the costs of providing this life-changing opportunity for at-risk teens, just CLICK HERE or contact us at or (703) 234-4633.
The YouthQuest Foundation is proud to sponsor Loudoun Youth, Inc.’s annual Step Up competition.
The 2013 contest winners visited YouthQuest headquarters this summer to talk about their projects.
Anoop Hariharan from J. Michael Lunsford Middle School won the $1,000 first prize for creating Learning Instantly, which uses entertaining educational videos he and his friends produce to help students prepare for Virginia’s Standards of Learning (SOL) exams.
The second-place finishers, Aashish Batheja, Raghav Saravanan, Robin Jiang, Harish Sundar from Lunsford Middle School, won $500 for Mission Possible: Knock Out Bullying, a campaign to reduce bullying in their school and community.
Courtney Latourrette, Torie Alfonso, Kristen Langley, Courtney Davis of Briar Woods High School were awarded the $250 third prize for Share A Smile, a program that encourages people to practice random acts of kindness and serve as community volunteers.
Step Up encourages middle and high school students in Loudoun County, Va., to identify an issue facing local teens, create a plan to address that issue, and implement the plan. The result is a tangible experience that sets apart the participants as action-oriented, can-do young adults with the self-motivation and determination to make a difference in their community.
YouthQuest awarded a grant to fund the awards for next year’s Step Up competition to Loudoun Youth CEO Jared Melvin during the Foundation’s charity event in August, the 8th Annual Challenge at Trump National Golf Club.
“It was a grand day for America’s at-risk youth,” says YouthQuest Foundation Co-Founder and President Lynda Mann.
The 8th Annual Challenge at Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Va., on Aug. 12 was YouthQuest’s most successful fundraiser ever.
“The weather was great, the event was great, people really enjoyed themselves,” says Lynda.
After watching a trick-shot performance by the always-entertaining Brad Denton, 115 golfers headed out for a shotgun start on Trump’s challenging Championship Course.
“It was the largest field of golfers we’ve ever had and there were more new sponsors than in previous years,” says YouthQuest Secretary Bill Hall.
Fetch makes his tournament debut
One sign of the growing community support for our tournament was the presence of Fetch, the big, floppy-eared mascot for the Loudoun Hounds baseball team of the independent Atlantic League. While Fetch and his handlers from the Hounds greeted players on the 1st tee, representatives from the North American Soccer League’s Virginia Cavalry FC manned the 18th. This is the first year we’ve had the Hounds and Cavalry as tournament sponsors.
Both teams are part of VIP Sports & Entertainment, whose vice chairman is Joe Travez, a valued partner in our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education initiative. He’s the CEO of Prototype Productions, Inc. in Ashburn, which hosted a tour in June for the students in our first 3D printing class. Mr. Travez’s message to the teens from Maryland’s Freestate ChalleNGe Academy during their visit was inspirational and we hope to make PPI an integral part of our expanded STEM program.
The money raised through the golf tournament helps us provide academic and vocational development, infrastructure support and life-enriching experiences that give troubled teens the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Thanks to our supporters’ generous contributions, we will be able to reach many more students with our 3D printing project. We’ll also promote the growth of GRL-PWR, the girls’ empowerment program that came to our attention through our sponsorship of the Loudoun Youth Step Up competition.
Bill, who chairs the golf tournament committee, says what our guests learn about YouthQuest during the event makes a strong impression. He recalls one player from Hewlett-Packard telling him: “This is the kind of stuff we need to be supporting. This I can see makes a difference.”
Besides contributing to a good cause, players come back year after year because “it’s just a fun tournament,” says Lynda.
Washington Redskins alumni Mike Nelms, Roy Jefferson and Mike Bragg sign a football for Destination Cellars CEO David Keuhner and his son, Jaden.
“The celebrities are always a big hit,” adds Bill. “One guy said ‘I’m a great Redskins fan, so try to put a Redskin with me,’ which we did.”
The Washington Redskins alumni are perennial favorites. Executive Director Jerry Olsen, Charley Taylor, Jimmie Jones, Mike Nelms, Roy Jefferson, Mike Bragg and Ravin Caldwell were on this year’s tournament roster.
Adding some sports diversity to the field of golfers, we also welcomed former Major League Baseball pitcher Pete Schourek, along with retired Major League Soccer goalkeepers Mike Ammann and Mark Simpson. Both used to play for DC United and Mark is now director of soccer operations for the Cavalry.
Pete Schourek in action
We were also honored to have Fairfax City Chief Dave Rohr playing again this year, in addition to other local first responders. Representing Fairfax County Fire & Rescue were Deputy Chief Michael Reilly, retired Deputy Chief Glenn Benarick and retired firefighters Rand Gaber and Oliver Skinker.
After a sun-and-fun-filled day on the course, everyone cooled off at a reception and awards ceremony at the Trump National clubhouse.
Our Director of Training and Volunteer of the Year, Tom Meeks, demonstrated 3D printing and GRL-PWR Co-Founder Royal Phillips spoke about our partnership.
3D Systems Director of Social Impact Leanne Gluck accepted our Additive Manufacturing Strategic Partner Award. The company’s support has been essential in the development of our 3D printing project. It provided the hardware the students use and hosted a tour of the plant where the Cube 3D printers are built.
Community Partner Awards went to the NFL Players Association and Washington Redskins Chapter of NFL Alumni, Inc., along with Michael Garcia, operating partner of Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar in McLean, Va., which hosted the tournament’s VIP reception on Aug. 8. Ritzert & Leyton, PC sponsored the VIP reception at Fleming’s.
Loudoun Youth CEO Jared Melvin putts on the 1st green as Lynda Mann and Roy Jefferson watch.
The Foundation also awarded grants to Luke’s Wings and Loudoun Youth’s Step Up.
Luke’s Wings is a nonprofit organization that provides flights for families to visit wounded American servicemembers who are hospitalized or in rehabilitation. YouthQuest understands that separation can be a serious risk factor for children in military families, especially in times of crisis. By bringing families together, Luke’s Wings helps reduce the risks for kids.
The Step Up contest challenges Loudoun County middle and high school students to become leaders by identifying problems in their communities and developing solutions. YouthQuest is pleased to renew its sponsorship of the competition.
The Trump National staff deserves an award, too, for their quick response to anything we needed. All of our tournament participants were treated to a first-class experience.
“We love having our event at Trump because their staff makes us look really good,” says Lynda. “They just make it happen.”
There’s just one thing that would make our signature fundraising event better, says Lynda. That is if Donald Trump’s busy schedule allows him to accept our invitation to play in the 9th Annual Challenge at Trump National on Aug. 11, 2014.
YouthQuest President Lynda Mann with GRL-PWR Founders Bria Toussaint and Royal Phillips
YouthQuest partners Bria Toussaint and Royal Phillips are starting their sophomore year at Spelman College after a busy summer spent spreading the word about their girls’ empowerment nonprofit, GRL-PWR.
The YouthQuest Foundation sponsored their trip to the South Carolina Youth ChalleNGe Academy, a school for at-risk youth near Columbia, where they trained a group of to be GRL-PWR mentors. Bria and Royal said it was a valuable experience for them, as well as for the Cadets.
In this video, they describe what they did during the weekend training session in South Carolina.
GRL-PWR began in Loudoun County, Va., where the program Bria and Royal developed as students at Freedom High School won first place in the 2011-12 Loudoun Youth Step Up competition. Our Co-Founder and President Lynda Mann, one of the contest judges, was so impressed that she offered to help take GRL-PWR to other states.
Besides planting GRL-PWR’s seeds in South Carolina, Bria and Royal have started a chapter at Spelman in Atlanta.
Gary Hoffman, left, and fellow volunteer Tony Sanderson at YouthQuest's 2010 golf tournament
Throughout his career, Gary Hoffman has met “a lot of really good kids who had just gotten off the right path.”
He’s a longtime YouthQuest Foundation volunteer because he’s seen how the programs we support put at-risk teens back on the path to a better life.
Gary has volunteered at our annual fundraising golf event since 2008. (This year’s Challenge at Trump National Golf Club is on Aug. 12. Click here for details and registration information.)
“I got involved with the golf tournament as a volunteer to support the cause because I knew what great things they did for at-risk youth in the community,” he says.
Gary is an account manager with Temporary Solutions, an Employment Enterprises company based in Manassas, Va. Previously, he worked in higher education business development and the Job Corps, which introduced him to the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy program. In the process, he learned about our Foundation’s partnership with the ChalleNGe program and became an enthusiastic YouthQuest supporter.
He praises the Foundation’s dedication to providing high school dropouts with opportunities to resume their education, and to learn the life skills and values they need to become “healthy, productive adults in the community.”
At-risk kids see the world as “being against them,” Gary explains. “But when they see there is a community out there that supports them and wants to see them succeed, then it gives them a broader view of society and lets them know there is a possibility that they can succeed in life if they just apply themselves and surround themselves with the right people.”
YouthQuest helps them do that not only by making financial contributions, he says, but by “showing them there are people in the community that stand behind them and support their positive growth and development.”
“YouthQuest opens their eyes and gives them a glimpse of what’s possible,” says Gary. “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to become a part of it and gladly volunteer my time.”
YouthQuest Co-Founder and President Lynda Mann co-hosted a recent Executive Leaders Radio program, highlighting the Foundation’s new STEM project for at-risk youth.
Lynda and program host Peter Schwartz spoke with four Northern Virginia business leaders, including YouthQuest Co-Founder and Vice President Allen Cage, about their passion for their businesses and why they believe it’s important to give back to their communities.
Allen, who is CEO of AOC Solutions, discussed YouthQuest’s focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) training for troubled teens. He also introduced Joshua Wilcox, one of students from the first 3D printing class YouthQuest sponsored at the Freestate ChalleNGe Academy in Maryland.
“I was fascinated with the technology,” said Joshua, who started exploring career opportunities in the 3D printing field after he graduated from Freestate in June. He said the class gave him valuable experience in additive manufacturing — something few job-seekers his age can tell prospective employers.
Joshua added that the Academy, which is run by the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe program, helped him turn his life around after he got into trouble with drugs and gave up on school.
“I feel pretty good. I’m actually going somewhere in my life,” he said.
Allen said YouthQuest is so encouraged by the results of the STEM project at Freestate Academy that it’s planning to expand the program to other states and “grow with the technology” by acquiring more sophisticated equipment and opening a lab.
“This is the future” in design and manufacturing, Charlie White said during his radio interview.
Charlie, who owns private commercial lender BLA Financial, praised YouthQuest’s emphasis on technology
“When you’re looking at people who need to have their lives turned around, high-tech is the way to go,” he said. YouthQuest, he added, is “right there in the forefront and they’re involving these kids in it.”
“Education is the key to success in life as far as I’m concerned,” said Paul Gurman. That’s why he has supported YouthQuest for years by making donations and participating in the annual fundraising golf tournament.
Paul is a partner in the accounting firm Gurman and Co., which provides tax and audit services for the Foundation. Besides the professional connection, he has a personal interest in YouthQuest’s mission to help at-risk children.
“Everybody needs some help,” he explained. Although Paul grew up in “a solid home with a close family,” he said he’s seen plenty “kids without help.”
“That’s a shame. If I can help in any way to strengthen their opportunities, I want to.”
Making a Difference
Paul pointed to the students from the 3D printing class as examples of young people who are seizing opportunities.
“They really are committed to improving themselves,” he said. “We just need to be able to make that path a little easier and that’s what YouthQuest is doing.”
Michael Garcia at YouthQuest’s 2012 golf tournament
Restaurant owner Michael Garcia said he was drawn to YouthQuest by Lynda and Allen’s “passion to make a difference” in the lives of at-risk kids. He plays every year in the golf tournament and has hosted YouthQuest events at his restaurant, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar in McLean, Va.
It was “eye-opening” to spend time with the STEM project students during an awards luncheon at Fleming’s in June, said Michael.
“I can see in them the appreciation and that somewhere in their mind they know this is their last stand.”
Michael is convinced that YouthQuest and the Freestate program are changing lives. He recalled his conversation with one of the students.
“You could see him planning his future out and a short time ago that wasn’t possible. His future was going to be… dead, sooner than later. He was going down the wrong path. But now you watch the sparkle in this guy’s eyes,” he said.
“Man, these people are making a difference!”
Giving Back Is Good Business
Supporting organizations that make a difference doesn’t just make business leaders feel good. It’s good for business.
“Problems need to have solutions,” said Michael. “So if people associate Fleming’s with helping, they’re going to want to come in and be guests.”
Paul agreed that giving back to the community helps get his business noticed by potential clients. His personal philanthropy also sets an example for his staff. However, the benefits go beyond that.
Being at the point in his professional life where he can use his success to help others gives him “a good feeling,” Paul said.
“It may not be all the monetary success in the world, but when I lay my head on my pillow at night, I can sleep and I know that I’ve done a good job.”
YouthQuest Foundation Vice President and Co-Founder Allen Cage talked with the Washington Post about our upcoming fundraiser, The Challenge at Trump National Golf Club.
Allen also runs AOC Solutions and several companies that provide financial systems and e-commerce services for government and commercial customers.
He told Capital Business columnist Thomas Heath he hopes to make this year’s tournament the biggest one so far.
Cage is now using his business contacts to help raise money at his Aug. 12 golf tournament to benefit his YouthQuest Foundation, which provides scholarships for at-risk teens. The tournament is at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling.
“We raised $75,000 last year and we are hoping to raise that to $100,000 this year,” said Cage. Read the full column here.
David Keuhner, the founder and CEO of Destination Cellars, has played in The YouthQuest Foundation’s fundraising golf tournament every year since 2009. He’ll be there again this year, on August 12, for The Challenge at Trump National.
David told us why he supports YouthQuest:
I got involved with YouthQuest Foundation back in late 2008. After having an opportunity to meet with co-founders Lynda Mann and Allen Cage and learning more about what the goals of YouthQuest were, I had to get involved in some way.
Having lost my father when I was six years old, I was raised by a single mom. Luckily, I had a great family and a support cast of friends that helped over the years. However I was certainly a perfect candidate for being an “at-risk youth.” I was extremely lucky, but unfortunately many kids aren’t. They don’t have a solid foundation around them to help them succeed.
I understand — and YouthQuest clearly understands — that our youth are the next leaders of our country. They need a strong base to build upon for the future. YouthQuest is trying to give these kids a second chance with a solid foundation to learn and to be a positive influence to society. YouthQuest is a model foundation to help the youth of tomorrow.
Not only is David a great friend of our Foundation, he’s also one of the most fashionable players on the golf course every year. Will he be sporting the multi-colored polka-dot shorts again this time? The bold diamond pattern? The elegant basic black or gray?
Maybe he’ll surprise us with a new look for 2013. You can help decide. Post a comment on our Facebook page to tell David what to wear this year. Then sign up to join David and our other supporters for a day of fun and fundraising at Trump National in Potomac Falls, Va. For details, visit or call (703) 234-4633.