YouthQuest Co-Founder and President Lynda Mann co-hosted a recent Executive Leaders Radio program, highlighting the Foundation’s new STEM project for at-risk youth.
Lynda and program host Peter Schwartz spoke with four Northern Virginia business leaders, including YouthQuest Co-Founder and Vice President Allen Cage, about their passion for their businesses and why they believe it’s important to give back to their communities.
Click here to listen to a webcast of the Executive Leaders Radio program.
3D Printing ‘Is the Future’

Allen, who is CEO of AOC Solutions, discussed YouthQuest’s focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) training for troubled teens. He also introduced Joshua Wilcox, one of students from the first 3D printing class YouthQuest sponsored at the Freestate ChalleNGe Academy in Maryland.
“I was fascinated with the technology,” said Joshua, who started exploring career opportunities in the 3D printing field after he graduated from Freestate in June. He said the class gave him valuable experience in additive manufacturing — something few job-seekers his age can tell prospective employers.
Joshua added that the Academy, which is run by the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe program, helped him turn his life around after he got into trouble with drugs and gave up on school.
“I feel pretty good. I’m actually going somewhere in my life,” he said.
Allen said YouthQuest is so encouraged by the results of the STEM project at Freestate Academy that it’s planning to expand the program to other states and “grow with the technology” by acquiring more sophisticated equipment and opening a lab.
“This is the future” in design and manufacturing, Charlie White said during his radio interview.
Charlie, who owns private commercial lender BLA Financial, praised YouthQuest’s emphasis on technology
“When you’re looking at people who need to have their lives turned around, high-tech is the way to go,” he said. YouthQuest, he added, is “right there in the forefront and they’re involving these kids in it.”
“Education is the key to success in life as far as I’m concerned,” said Paul Gurman. That’s why he has supported YouthQuest for years by making donations and participating in the annual fundraising golf tournament.
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Paul is a partner in the accounting firm Gurman and Co., which provides tax and audit services for the Foundation. Besides the professional connection, he has a personal interest in YouthQuest’s mission to help at-risk children.
“Everybody needs some help,” he explained. Although Paul grew up in “a solid home with a close family,” he said he’s seen plenty “kids without help.”
“That’s a shame. If I can help in any way to strengthen their opportunities, I want to.”
Making a Difference
Paul pointed to the students from the 3D printing class as examples of young people who are seizing opportunities.
“They really are committed to improving themselves,” he said. “We just need to be able to make that path a little easier and that’s what YouthQuest is doing.”

Restaurant owner Michael Garcia said he was drawn to YouthQuest by Lynda and Allen’s “passion to make a difference” in the lives of at-risk kids. He plays every year in the golf tournament and has hosted YouthQuest events at his restaurant, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar in McLean, Va.
It was “eye-opening” to spend time with the STEM project students during an awards luncheon at Fleming’s in June, said Michael.
“I can see in them the appreciation and that somewhere in their mind they know this is their last stand.”
Michael is convinced that YouthQuest and the Freestate program are changing lives. He recalled his conversation with one of the students.
“You could see him planning his future out and a short time ago that wasn’t possible. His future was going to be… dead, sooner than later. He was going down the wrong path. But now you watch the sparkle in this guy’s eyes,” he said.
“Man, these people are making a difference!”
Giving Back Is Good Business
Supporting organizations that make a difference doesn’t just make business leaders feel good. It’s good for business.
“Problems need to have solutions,” said Michael. “So if people associate Fleming’s with helping, they’re going to want to come in and be guests.”
Paul agreed that giving back to the community helps get his business noticed by potential clients. His personal philanthropy also sets an example for his staff. However, the benefits go beyond that.
Being at the point in his professional life where he can use his success to help others gives him “a good feeling,” Paul said.
“It may not be all the monetary success in the world, but when I lay my head on my pillow at night, I can sleep and I know that I’ve done a good job.”
Click here to listen to a webcast of the Executive Leaders Radio program.